1.  A and B started a business with investments of Rs. 3500 and Rs. 2500 respectively. After 4 months C joined with Rs. 6000. If the difference between C’s share and B’s share In the annual profit was Rs. 1977, what was the total annual profit? 

 (1)  Rs. 15,620  (2)  Rs. 16,240 (3)  Rs. 14,690  (4)  Rs. 12,770  (5)  Rs. 13,180

2.  A man gave 20% of his salary to his only son and only daughter. The ratio of amount given to son and daughter is 3 : 2 respectively. Twice the amount what he gave to his daughter. He invested in UC. Out of the remaining amount he gave one-fourth to his wife. After that he was left with Rs. 16800. Find out the amount invested in LIC.

  (1)  Rs. 5600  (2)  Rs. 5400  (3)  Rs. 5800 (4)  Rs. 6200  (5)  None of these

 3.  Tanvi started a business investing Rs.45,000. After 8 months Anisha joined her with a capital of Rs.52.000. At the end of the year the total profit was Rs.56,165. What is ‘the share of profits of Anisha? 

 (1)  Rs.21,450 (2)  Rs.24,440  (3)  Rs.27635  (4)  Rs.31,765   (5)  None of these

 4.  Mrudul invested an amount of Rs.29,500 In order to start a business. Shalaka joined her 4 months Later by Investing an amount of Rs.33,500. If the business earned a profit of Rs.1,20,575 at the end of two years, what was Mrudul’s share of the profit?

  (1)   Rs.60,725 (2)  Rs.61,950  (3)  Rs.59,250  (4)  Rs.58,625  (5)  None of these

 5.  Rs.73,689, are divided between Aand Bin the ratio4: 7. What Is the difference between thrice the share of A and twice the share of B?

  (1)  Rs.36,699 (2)  Rs.46,893  (3)  Rs.20,097 (4)  Rs.26,796  (5)  Rs.13,398

6.  Geeta, Shweta and Sita started a business with investment ofRs.4200, 8400 and Rs.5400 respectively. In the end of the year there was a profit of Rs.24000. Sita Invested 32% of her share In profit In the business. The remaining amount of profit with Sita is? 

 (1)  Rs.4986  (2)  Rs.4689 (3)  Rs.4886  (4)  Rs.4896  (5)  None of these

 7.  A starts a business with an Initial Investment of Rs.18000. After 4 months, B enters into the partnership with an investment of Rs.24000. Again after two months C enters with an investment of Rs.30000. If C receives Rs.1845 in the profit at the end of the year, what Is the total annual profit?  

(1)  Rs.6027  (2)   Rs.6327 (3)  Rs.6527  (4)  Rs.6080  (5)  None of these

 8.  A, B and C started a business by Investing Rs. 20,000 Rn. 28,000 and Rs. 36,000 respectively. Alter 6 months. A and B withdrew an amount of Rs. 8,000 each and C Invested an additional amount of Rs. 8,000. All of them invested for equal period of time. if at the end of the year, C got Rs. 12,550 as his share of prof. It, what was the total profit earned?

  (1)  Rs. 25,100  (2) Rs, 26,600 (3)  Rs. 24,300  (4)  Rs. 22,960  (5)  Rs. 21,440

9.  Sonu invested 10% more than Mona. Mona invested 10% less than Raghu. If the total sum of their Investment Is Rs.5,780, how much amount did Raghu Invest?  

(1)  Rs.2010  (2)  Rs.2000  (3) Rs.2100  (4)  Rs.2210   (5)  None of these

 10.  Gina Invests Rs.48,000 to start a business. Four months later Shrayon joins her by investing Rs.62,000 and another two months later Deepika joins them both by investing 80.000. At the end of one year the business earns a profit of 20,661. What is Pepika’s share In the profit?

   (1)  Rs.7,668 (2) Rs.6,603 (3)   Rs.7,240  (4)  Rs.6,390  (5)  None of these

 11.  Three men A. B and C start a business together. They invest Rs.30000, Rs.24000 and Rs.42000 respectively In the beginning. After 4 months. B took out Rs.6000 and C tookout Rs.10000.They geta profit of Rs.11960 at the end of the year. B’s share in the profit is

  (1) Rs.2700  (2) Rs.2803  (3)  Rs.2900  (4)  Rs.2785   (5)  None of these

 12.  A. B and C started a business in partnership with investments of Rs.12000, Rs.26000 and Rs.32000 respectively. After 4 months A leaves. After 6 months B leaves and A joins with an amount equal to his earlier Investment. After 10 months C leaves and B joins with his prior Investment. At the end of the year they earn a profit of Rs.53622. Find the share of B In the annual profit. 

 (1)  Rs.17221  (2)  Rs.17212  (3)  Rs.17222  (4)  Rs.18212   (5)  None of these

 13.  Two persons A and B start a business with Investments of Rs.24000 and Rs.28000 respectively. After 4 months C also joined them with certain investment. Total profit at the end of the year was 19950. C’s share In profit was Rs.7600. What was the C’s Investment In the business? 

 (1)  Rs.48000  (2)  Rs.45000  (3)  Rs.50000  (4)  Rs.40000   (5)  None of these

 14.  ‘A’ began a small business with a certain amount of money. After four months from the start of the business, ‘B’ joined the business with an amount which was Rs. 6,000 less than ‘A’s Initial investment. ‘C’ joined the business after seven months from the start of business with an amount which was Rs. 2.000 less than A’s Initial Investment. At the end of the year total investment reported was Rs. 1,42,000. What will be A’s share In the profit, If B received Rs. 8,000 as profit share? (in Rupees)

  (1)  Rs. 48,000  (2)  Rs. 46,500 (3)  Rs. 46,000 (4)  Rs. 42,000  (5)  Rs. 48,500

 15.  A started a business. After 4 months from the start of the business, B and C joined. The respective ratio between the investments of A, B and C was 4 : 6:5. If A’s share in annual profit was Rs. 250 more than C’s share, what was the total annual profit earned? 

 (1)  Rs. 3740  (2)  Rs. 3910 (3)  Rs. 4250  (4)  Rs. 4350  (5)  None of these

 16.  A and B started a business with the investments in the ratio of 5 3 respectively. After 6 months from the start of the business, C Joined them and the respective ratio between the Investments of B and C was 2:3.11 the annual profit earned by them was Rs. 12.300, what was the difference between B’s share and C’s share In the profit?

  (1)  Rs. 900  (2)  Rs. 800 (3)  Rs. 600  (4)  Rs. 400  (5)  Rs. 700

 17.  A and B started a business with Initial Investments in the respective ratio of 18 : 7. After four months from the start of the business, A invested Rs. 2000 more and B invested Rs. 7000 more. At the end of one year, if the profit was distributed among them In the ratio of 2 : 1 respectively, what was the total Initial investment with which A and B started the business?

  (1)  Rs. 50,000  (2) Rs. 25,000 (3)  Rs. 1,50,000 (4) Rs. 75,000  (5)  Rs. 1,25,000


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