1.  There was 120 litres of pure milk In a vessel. Some quantity of milk was taken out and replaced with 23 litres of water In such a way that the resultant ratio between the quantities of milk and water in the mixture was 4:1 respectively. Again 23 litres of the mixture was taken out and replaced with 27 litres of water. What is the respective ratio of milk and water In the resultant mixture?

  (1)  58 : 37 
  (2)  116: 69
  (3)  69 : 43 
  (4)  101 : 37 
  (5)  368: 227

2.  Manish bought 25 kg of rice at Rs.32 per kg and 15kg of rice at Rs.36 per kg. What profit did he get when he mixed the two varieties together and sold it at Rs.40.20 per kg?

 (1)  25% 
 (2)  40% 
 (3)  30% 
 (4)  20%  
 (5)  None of these

3.  18 litres of pure water was added to a vessel containing 80 litres of pure milk. 49 litres of the resultant mixture was then sold and some more quantity of pure milk and pure water was added to the vessel In the respective ratio of 2:1. If the resultant respective ratio of milk and water in the vessel was 4:1.what was the quantity of pure milk added In the vessel ? (In litres) 

 (1) 4  
 (2) 8
 (3) 10 
 (4) 12 
 (5)  2

4.  A vessel contains a mixture of milk and water in the respective ratio of 3:1. 32 litres of mixture was taken out and replaced with the same quantity of milk so that the resultant ratio between the quantities of milk and water in the mixture was 4:1 respectively. If 10 litres of mixture is again taken out from the vessel, what Is the resultant quantity of water in the mixture? (in litres)

  (1) 24 
  (2) 30  
  (3) 20 
  (4) 36 
  (5) 32

5.  A container has 30 litres of water, if 3 litres of water is replaced by 3 litres of spirit and this operation is repeated twice, what will be the quantity of water In the new mixture? 

 (1)  24 litres
 (2)  23 litres
 (3)  24.3 litres 
 (4)  23.3 litres 
 (5)  None of these

6. Two barrels contain a mixture of ethanol and gasoline. The content of the ethanol is 60% in the first barrel and 30% In the second barrel. In what ratio must the mixtures from the first and the second barrels be taken to form a mixture containing 50% ethanol? 

 (1)  1:2 
 (2)  2:1 
 (3)  2:3 
 (4)  3:2 
 (5)  None of these

7.  To x litres of an x% solution of acid, y litres of water is added to get (x—10)% solution of acid. If x> 20, then value of y is 

(1)  𝑥*x/100
(2)  10𝑥/𝑥−10 
(3) 10𝑥/𝑥+10
(4)  10𝑥*x/𝑥−10
(5)  None of these

 8.  From a container of milk, 5 litres of milk is replaced with 5 litres of water. This process Is repeated again. Thus in two attempts the ratio of milk and water became 81: 19. The initial amount of milk in the container was  

(1)  50 litres 
(2)  45 litres
(3)  40 litres
(4)  25 litres 
(5)  None of these

 9.  A vessel contains 100 litres mixture of milk and water In the respective ratio of 22 : 3. 40 litres of the mixture Is taken out from the vessel and 4.8 litres of pure milk and pure water each Is added to the mixture. By what percent Is the quantity of water in the final mixture less than the quantity of milk? 

(1)  157/2
(2)  475/6 
(3)  437/6
(4)  76
(5)  155/2

10.  In a vessel, there Is a mixture of apple, orange and mango juices In the ratio of 3 : 5 : 4 respectively. A quantity of 12 litres from the mixture Is replaced by 8 litres of apple juice. Thereafter the quantities of apple and orange juices In the resultant mixture become same. Find out the Initial quantity of mixture In the vessel.

  (1)  76 litres
  (2)  65 litres
  (3)  60 litres 
  (4)  80 litres 
  (5)  None of these

 11.  A vessel contains a mixture of Grape, Pineapple and Banana juices in the respective ratio of 4:6:5.15 litres of this mixture Is taken out and 8 litres of grape Juice and 2 litres of pineapple juice is added to the vessel. I the resultant quantity of grape Juice Is 10 litres less than the resultant quantity of pineapple Juice, what was the initial quantity of mixture in the vessel? (in litres) 

 (1)  120 
 (2)  150
 (3)  105 
 (4)  135  
 (5)  90

 12.  A 20 litre mixture contains milk and water In the respective ratio of 3:2. Then 10 litres of the mixture is removed and replaced with pure milk and the operations is repeated once more. At the end of the two removals and replacements, what Is the ratio of milk and water In the resultant mixture respectively? 

 (1)  17:3 
 (2) 9:1 
 (3)  4:17 
 (4) 5:3 
 (5)  3: 14

 13.  Ajar has 60 litres of milk. From the jar, 12 litres of milk was taken out and replaced by an equal amount of water. If 12 litres of the newly formed mixture is taken out of the jar, what Is the final quantity of milk left In the Jar?

  (1)  38.4 litres 
  (2)  40 Litres
  (3)  36 litres
  (4)  28.6 litres 
  (5)  36.5 litres

 14.  In a vessel there is a certain quantity of mixture of milk and water in the ratio 5: 1 respectively. 24 litres of mixture Is taken out and same quantity of milk is added to the vessel. The ratio of milk and water now becomes 13: 2 respectively. Again 15 litres of mixture is taken out. What is the quantity of milk In the resulting mixture? (in litres)

  (1)  85 litres
  (2) 80 litres
  (3) 81 litres
  (4)  91 litres  
  (5)  None of these

 15.  When one litre of water is added to a mixture of acid and water, the new mixture contains 20% acid. When one litre of acid is added to the new mixture, then the resulting mixture contains 331 3 % acid. The percentage of acid In the original mixture was  

(1)  20% 
(2)  22%
(3)  24% 
(4)  25%  
(5)  None of these

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