1.  The ratio of the number of students studying in school A, B and C is 5 : 8 : 4 respectively. If the number of students studying In each of the school is increased by 20%, 25% and 30% respectively, what will be the new respective ratio of the students In school A, B and C? 

 (1)  13: 25 : 15 
 (2)  20 : 25: 13   
 (3)  15: 25: 13   
 (4)  Cannot be determined 
 (5)  None of these

2.  The ratio between the angles of a quadrilateral is 7 : 2 : 5 : 6 respectively. What is the sum of double the smallest angle and half the largest angle of the quadrilateral?

  (1)  162° 
  (2)  198° 
  (3)  99° 
  (4)  135°  
  (5)  None of these

 3.  Twenty five percent of Pranab’s annual salary is equal to eighty percent of Suiya’s annual salary. Suzya’s monthly salary Is forty percent of Dheeru’s monthly salary. If Dheeru’s annual salary Is 6 lacs, what Is Pranab’s monthly salary? (At some places annual Income and at some place monthly income are given)  

(1)  Rs.7.68 lacs
(2)  Rs.56,000
(3)  Rs.8.4 lacs
(4)  Rs. 64,000 
(5)  None of these

 4.  The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio of 2 :4:7: 5.The smallest angle of the quadrilateral is equal to the smallest angle of a triangle. One of the angles of the triangle is twice the smallest angle of the triangle. What is the second largest angle of the triangle? 

 (1) 80°
 (2)  60° 
 (3)  120° 
 (4)  Cannot be determined
 (5)  None of these

 5.  Smallest angle of a triangle Is equal to two-third of the smallest angle of a quadrilateral. The ratio between the angles of the quadrilateral is 3: 4: 5 :6. Largest angle of the triangle is twice its smallest angle. What is the sum of second largest angle of the triangle and largest angle of the quadrilateral? 

 (1)  160° 
 (2)  180° 
 (3)  190° 
 (4)  170° 
 (5)  None of these

 6.  The ratio between the three angles of a quadrilateral is 13:9:5 respectively. The value of the fourth angle of the quadrilateral is 36°. What is the difference between the largest and the 5cc- mid smallest angles of the quadrilateral? 

 (1)  104° 
 (2)  108°
 (3)  72° 
 (4)  96°  
 (5)  None of these

 7.  The largest and the smallest angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 3:1 respectively. The second largest angle of the triangle is equal to 44°. What is the value of 150 per cent of the largest angle of the triangle? 

 (1)  149 
 (2)  129
 (3)  153  
 (4)  173 
 (5)  None of these

 8.  The present age of Vishal and Shekhar are in the ratio of l4 :17 respectively. Six years from now, their age will be In the ratio of 17 : 20 respectively. What Is Shekhar’s present age? 

(1)  17 years 
(2)  51 years
(3)  34 years  
(4)  28 years 
(5)  None of these

 9.  The largest and the second largest angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 4 : 3 respectively. The smallest angle is half the largest angle. What is the difference between the smallest and the largest angles of the triangle? 

 (1)  30° 
 (2)  60°
 (3)  40° 
 (4)  20°
 (5)  None of these

 10.  The respective ratio between the present age of Rain and Rakesh 1s6: 11. Four years ago the ratio of their age was 1: 2 respectively. What will be Rakesh’s age after five years?

  (1)  45 years 
  (2)  29 years
  (3)  49 years 
  (4) Cannot be determined 
  (5)  None of these

11.  The ratio between the angles of a quadrilateral Is 3: 4 : 6 : 7. Half the second largest angle of the quadrilateral Is equal to the smaller angle of a parallelogram. What is the value of adjacent angle of the parallelogram? 

 (1)  136° 
 (2)  126°  
 (3)  94° 
 (4)  96° 
 (5)  None of these

 12.  The ratio between the three angles of a quadrilateral is 1:4:5 respectively. The value of the fourth angle of the quadrilateral is 60°. What Is the difference between the value of the largest and the smallest angles of the quadrilateral?

  (1)  120° 
  (2)  90° 
  (3)  110° 
  (4)  100° 
  (5)  None of these

 13.  The ratio between the angles of a quadrilateral is 3 : 4 : 6 : 5. Two-third of the largest angle of the quadrilateral Is equal to the smaller angle of a parallelogram. What Is the value of adjacent angle of the parallelogram?  

(1)  120°
(2) 110°
(3)  100°  
(4) 130° 
(5)  None of these

 14.  One of the angles of a triangle is two-third of sum of adjacent angles of parallelogram. Remaining angles of the triangle are In ratio 5 : 7 respectively. What is the value of second largest angle of the triangle?

  (1)  25°
  (2)  40°
  (3)  35°   
  (4)  Cannot be determined
  (5)  None of these

 15. One of the angles of quadrilateral is thrice the smaller angle of a parallelogram. The respective ratio between the adjacent angles of the parallelogram is 4:5 Remaining three angles of the quadrilateral are in ratio 4:11:9 respectively. What is the sum of the largest and the smallest angles of the quadrilateral? 

 (1)  255°
 (2)  260° 
 (3)  265°
 (4)  270° 
 (5)  None of these

16.  The ratio between the adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 7 : 5 respectively. Also the ratio between the angles of quadrilateral is 5:6:7:12. What is the sum of the smaller angle of parallelogram and second largest angle of the quadrilateral?

  (1)  168°  
  (2)  228°
  (3)  156° 
  (4)  224° 
  (5)  None of these

 17.  The age of Sonal and Nitya are In the ratio of 9 : 5 respectively. After 8 years the ratio of their age will be 13 :9. What is the difference (in years) between their age?

  (1)  4 years 
  (2)  12 years 
  (3)  6 years 
  (4)  14 years 
  (5)  None of these

 18.  The ratio of the age of Tina and Rakesh is 9 : 10 respectively. Ten years ago the ratio of their age was 4: 5 respectively. What is the present age of Rakesh? 

 (1)  25 years 
 (2)  20 years 
 (3)  30 years 
 (4)  24 years 
 (5)  None of these 


19.  The ratio of the present age of Meena and Fiona is 16: 13 respectively. Four years ago the respective ratio of their age was 14: 11. What will be Fiona’s age four years from now?

  (1)  28 years 
  (2)  32 years 
  (3)  26 years 
  (4)  36 years 
  (5)  None of these 

 20.  The respective ratio of the present age of Swati and Trupti Is 4 : 5. Six years hence the respective ratio of their age will be 6 : 7. What is the difference between their age?

 (1)  2 years
 (2)  3 years 
 (3)  4 years 
 (4)  Cannot be determined
 (5)  None of these 

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