1.  The difference between a discount of 40% on Rs.500 and two successive discounts of 36%, and 4% on the same amount is

  (1) Rs.0  (2) Rs.2 (3)  Rs.1.93  (4)  Rs.7.20

 2.  A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs.14,160 in 3 years. If the rate of Interest is increased to 25%, the same sum amounts to Rs.14,700 in the same time. The rate of interest is

  (1) 5%  (2) 51 2 % (3)  6%  (4)  7%

 3.  A sum was invested at a certain rate of simple interest for two years. If the sum were invested at 3% more rate of interest, it would have fetched Rs.72 more. What Is the sum? 

(1)  Rs.1000  (2)  Rs.1200  (3) Rs.1150  (4) Rs.1250   (5)  None of these

 4.  Sharnita took a loan at simple interest rate of 6 p.c.p.a. in the first year and It increased by 1.5 p.c.p.a. every year. If she pays Z 8,190 as interest at the end of 3 years, what was her loan amount? 

(1) 36000 (2)  35400  (3)  36800   (4)  Cannot be determined (5)  None of these

 5.  Arun invested a sum of money at a certain rate of simple interest for a period of four years. Had he invested the same sum for a period of six years the total Interest earned by him would have been fifty percent more than the earlier interest amount. What was the rate of interest per cent per annum?  

(1) 4% (2)  8% (3)  5%   (4)  Cannot be determined (5)  None of these 

6.  The simple Interest accrued on a sum of certain principal is Rs.1,200 in four years at the rate of 8 p.c.p.a. What would be the simple interest accrued on thrice of that principal at the rate of 6 p.c.p.a. in 3 years? 

(1)  Rs.2,025 (2)  Rs.3,025 (3) Rs.2,250  (4) Rs.2,150  (5)  None of these 

 7.  What total amount would Mithilesh get at the end of three years if he invests an amount of 11.200 in a scheme which offers simple interest at the rate of 8.5 p. c. p. a. for three years? 

 (1) Rs.14,056 (2) Rs.14,348  (3)  Rs.13,852  (4)  Rs.15,064   (5)  None of these

8.  Ravi borrowed some money at the rate of 4 p.c.p.a. for the first three years, at the rate of 8 p.c.p.a. for the next two years and at the rate of 9 p.c.p.a. for the period beyond 5 years. 11 he pays a total simple Interest of Rs.19,550 at the end of 7 years. How much money did he borrow? 

 (1)  39,500  (2)  42,500  (3)  41,900  (4)  43,000   (5)  None of these

 9.  A sum of 3200 becomes 3456 in two years at a certain rate of simple interest. What is the rate of interest per annum?  

(1) 5.5%  (2) 6% (3) 4%  (4) 4.5%  (5)  None of these

 10.  A sum of 2200 is invested at two different rate of interest. The difference between the interest got after 4 years is 202.40. What is the difference between the rate of interest? 

 (1) 3.3%  (2) 2.3% (3) 3.5%  (4) 2.5%  (5)  None of these

 11.  What will be the difference between the Interest accrued on a sum of 4500 at 12% per annum for 2 years and that on a sum of 5600 at 9% per annum for 2 years?

  (1) Rs.75  (2)  Rs.72 (3)  Rs.69 (4) Rs.76  (5)  None of these

 12. The sum Invested in scheme B is twice the sum invested in scheme A. Investment In scheme A is made for 3 years at 8% p.a. simple interest and in Scheme B for 2 years at 9% p.a. simple Interest. The total interest earned from both the schemes is Rs. 1800. How much was Invested in Scheme A? 

(1)  Rs. 4000  (2)  Rs. 3500 (3)  Rs. 3000  (4)  Rs. 2500  (5)  Rs. 4500

 13.  The Interest earned when Rs. F is invested for four years in a scheme offering 9% p.a. simple interest Is more than the interest earned when the same sum (Rs. P) Is invested for two years In another scheme offering 12% p.a. simple interest, by Rs. 360. What is the value of P?

  (1)  2000  (2)  3500 (3)  2500  (4)  4000  (5)  3000

 14.  Equal amounts are invested in two schemes A and B for 6 years and 8 years respectively. Scheme A offers Interest at the rate of 12% per annum and scheme B offers interest at the rate of 8% per annum. The difference between the interests earned is Rs. 1280, What is the amount invested In each scheme?

  (1)  Rs. 16000  (2)  Rs. 16500 (3)  Rs. 17000  (4)  Rs. 18000  (5)  None of these

 15.  Rs. 16,000 was invested for three years, partly in Scheme A at the rate of 5% Simple Interest per annum and partly in scheme B at the rate of 8% Simple Interest per annum. Total interest received at the end was Rn. 3480. How much sum of money Invested in Scheme A?

  (1)  Rs. 6,000  (2)  Rs. 6,500 (3)  Rs. 4,500  (4)  Rs. 4,000  (5)  Rs. 8,000

 16.  A took a certain sum as loan from bank at a rate of 8% simple Interest per annum. A lends the same amount to B at 12% simple interest per annum. If at the end of five years, A made profit of Rs. 800 from the deal, how much was the original sum?

  (1)  Rs. 6,500  (2)  Rs. 4,000 (3)  Rs. 6,200  (4)  Rs. 6,000  (5)  Rs. 4,500


 1. (4)
 2. (3)
 3. (2)
 4. (5)
 5. (4)
 6. (1)
 7. (1)
 8. (2)
 9. (3)
 10. (2)
 11. (2)
 12. (3)
 13. (5)
 14. (1)
 15. (4)
 16. (2)       

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