Happy Ladybugs is a board game having the following properties:
- The board is represented by a string, , of length . The character of the string, , denotes the cell of the board.
- If is an underscore (i.e.,
), it means the cell of the board is empty. - If is an uppercase English alphabetic letter (ascii[A-Z]), it means the cell contains a ladybug of color .
- String will not contain any other characters.
- If is an underscore (i.e.,
- A ladybug is happy only when its left or right adjacent cell (i.e., ) is occupied by another ladybug having the same color.
- In a single move, you can move a ladybug from its current position to any empty cell.
Given the values of and for games of Happy Ladybugs, determine if it's possible to make all the ladybugs happy. For each game, print
As an example, . You can move the rightmost and to make and all the ladybugs are happy.
on a new line if all the ladybugs can be made happy through some number of moves. Otherwise, print NO
.As an example, . You can move the rightmost and to make and all the ladybugs are happy.
Complete the happyLadybugs function in the editor below. It should return an array of strings, either 'YES' or 'NO', one for each test string.
happyLadybugs has the following parameters:
- b: an array of strings that represents the initial positions and colors of the ladybugs
Input Format
The first line contains an integer , the number of games.
The next pairs of lines are in the following format:
- The first line contains an integer , the number of cells on the board.
- The second line contains a string describing the cells of the board.
Output Format
For each game, print
on a new line if it is possible to make all the ladybugs happy. Otherwise, print NO
Question from hackerrank.
Solution in C# -
class Solution {
static string happyLadybugs(string b) {
if(b.Contains("_") && b.Distinct().Count() == 1)
return "YES";
else if(b.Length == 1 && (!b.Contains("_")))
return "NO";
else if(!b.Contains("_"))
bool flag = true;
for(int i=0; i<b.Length ;i++)
if(i != b.Length-1 && b[i] == b[i+1])
else {
if(i!=0 && b[i] == b[i-1])
flag = false;
return "YES";
return "NO";
char[] arr = b.ToCharArray();
Dictionary<char,int> dict = new Dictionary<char, int>();
foreach(char c in arr)
if(c != '_')
int x = dict[c];
dict[c] = ++x;
int min = 0;
if(dict.Count != 0)
min = dict.Min(x=>x.Value);
if(min < 2)
return "NO";
return "YES";
static void Main(string[] args) {
TextWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(@System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OUTPUT_PATH"), true);
int g = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
for (int gItr = 0; gItr < g; gItr++) {
int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
string b = Console.ReadLine();
string result = happyLadybugs(b);
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